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Selectboard Meeting Minutes 07/07/04
JULY 7, 2004

Selectboard Present:    Steven Neill, Jon LeClair, (Absent: Brenda Ferland)

Staff Present:          David Edkins, Administrative Assistant
                        Keith Weed, Highway Superintendent
                        David Duquette, Water and Sewer Superintendent
                        Edward Smith, Police Chief
                        Robert Davis, Transfer Station Superintendent
                        Debra Clark, Town Clerk

CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Steve Neill called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  He announced that Brenda Ferland is not present because she is on vacation.

BID OPENING - SOUTH HEMLOCK ROAD RESURFACING:  Two bids were received and opened as follows:  1) Lane Construction, Meriden, Conn. - $114,683.50; and 2) MP Flynn, Inc., Stratham, NH - $134,083.00.  The representative from Lane Construction explained their different quantities and figures.  The bids were given to Keith Weed and the Highway Advisory Committee to review.

PUBLIC HEARING:  PATCH PARK ORDINANCE:  The Public Hearing began at 7:08 P.M.  Steve Neill read the proposed “Ordinance Governing the Use of Patch Park”.  Copies were available for the public.  Dave Edkins pointed out that all these rules and regulations were adopted previously by either the Selectboard or Recreation Committee, there were previous ordinances in 1985 and 1990 and are consistent with signs posted in the park with a few minor exceptions.  Nothing is new except codification for easier enforcement.  Jon LeClair asked about camping, as in the past, the Selectboard allowed the Charlestown School and other organizations to camp in the park.  Dave Edkins said the current sign says no camping without the permission of the Selectboard but the original Deed from the Patch’s states that no overnight camping may be allowed in the park.  The Ordinance in 1985 provided for a 10 MPH speed but the sign says 5 MPH.  RSA 167-D is the State statute that provides for seeing-eye dogs or other service type animals; that is the reason for it being included in No. 3.  

Jim Bushway lives near the park, likes to walk his dog there on a leash, cleans up after so is concerned with the portion prohibiting dogs and pets.  Why not allow them when they are on a leash?  Jon LeClair explained that people are not responsible and do not pick up after the dogs even when on a leash.  Jim Bushway said there are dogs in the park now even though there are signs.  It seems reasonable to change that portion of the proposed Ordinance.  Steve Neill noted that the problem with dogs on a leash is that they interfere with events involving a crowd.  What if somebody decides to take their horse in there?  Jon LeClair said he would consider a horse a pet.  Concern about the dogs originally came from the Recreation Department as they maintain the grounds and coach the kids, etc.
Jim Bushway also feels that 5 MPH is unreasonable - it will take 3-1/2 minutes to drive from one gate to the other.  The police cruiser doesn’t drive that slowly down there.  What vehicles are included - all-terrain vehicles / snowmobiles, etc. - will they be banned?  What are the penalties?  Police Chief Smith responded that a violation is punishable by up to $1,000; in the Claremont District Court the standard fine is $100.  The lower the speed limit is posted the slower people will go.  Jim Bushway feels that either a larger sign or a speed bump at the top of the park would be better as people come right out.  A recessed speed bump would not hinder plowing in the winter.  

Dave Edkins advised that Bill MacDonald, Recreation Committee, could not attend this meeting, as he is working but the Recreation Committee supports this Ordinance, as written, as they do not believe that dogs should be allowed in the park at all.  The Recreation Department has a policy that no smoking is allowed in the park during all youth recreation activities.  

Jon LeClair moved that the Selectboard adopt the “Ordinance Governing the Use of Patch Park” with the following correction:  No. 5 - The speed limit for all vehicles within the park shall be 5 miles per hour with the exception of snowmobiles.  Seconded by Steve Neill.  All in favor, so voted.

The Public Hearing closed at 7:28 P.M.

DEB CLARK - MUNICIPAL AGENT ISSUES:  Deb Clark, Town Clerk, had given the Selectboard a packet of information regarding the new program that the State of New Hampshire is developing for the on-line registration of vehicles.  They have been working on this for three-or-four years.  As of September 7th, 2004, everybody that is a municipal agent on-line now has to go onto this new program.  She was on the Executive Board of Town Clerks Association for two years and still has concerns.  Some clerks will be using the Town portion that the State provides but Charlestown has its own vendor and software.  Right now she does double entry - one for the Town and one for the State - this should be faster.  Currently she does most all registrations but now will be doing five other different types of plates, be responsible for vehicle ID numbers and trailers.  If she wants to remain municipal agent status she has to sign up for this program.  Deb Clark made sure that there is not a problem with an outside vendor such as Competitive Computers but, depending on how it is set up, it should not be a problem.  The only issue now is the check validators as they will be taken away from the Town Clerks.  This program will be a lot more work for the Town Clerk but faster and more money for the Town - the $2.50 fee is divided four ways with the Town receiving one fourth and the remaining three fourths being divided equally among the Town Clerk’s office staff.  In terms of costing more, a new file cabinet will be needed because the plates have to be kept under lock-and-key.  This is a big service to the people in the Town but she doesn’t expect that they will have to have more help.  Mr. Edkins felt it would be interesting to see a breakdown on how much income is being derived as opposed to the expenses such as software and equipment.  There was a consensus of the Selectboard to try this new program and Steve Neill, Chairman, signed the document for the State.  

JOE CORRIVEAU - PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT:  Joe Corriveau submitted a letter requesting permission to entertain outside the Bakery Building, in the parking lot, in conjunction with the food stand on Saturdays and Sundays.  This would be to entertain the customers of the food stand and residents of Charlestown by playing the electric keyboard.  He would like to set up a tip jar.  Jon LeClair, Steve Neill and Police Chief Smith did not see a problem but wondered where the power will come from?  Mr. Edkins did not see anything problematic with the Loitering Ordinance that was a concern of Brenda Ferland.  The Selectboard agreed to go along with this request but stated that if this becomes problematic they may have to review it.  The Town will not provide electric power.

DUMPSTER:  The Selectboard was concerned about the cost for the dumpster outside the Bakery Building.  Steve Neill reported that arrangements have been made for the Cemetery Department to start picking up the trash that will be taken to the Transfer Station and the Cemetery Trustees have approved this.  A suitable outside location and container will be designated.  Dave Edkins will notify the company of this change and that the Town will not need their service beyond the end of this month.

CLARK DRIVEWAY: Jon LeClair received calls from Joan Clark on the South Hemlock Road regarding a culvert.  Steve Neill noted that this is a secondary access to the lot.  Keith Weed explained that her primary driveway is shared and she is having problems with the neighbors.  When they first started working in this area the driveway in question appeared to be just an opening in the trees but Ms. Clark says they use it on a regular basis and wants to keep that access open.  Today they found three hot water tanks forming a culvert at the end of that access which indicates it is in fact a secondary driveway.  Following a discussion, the Selectboard agreed that by all indications there was a culvert there the Town should replace it.  

CULVERTS:  Dave Duquette discussed the new culvert at the Jim’s Marina property on Shutters Way.  Keith Weed said it is a 15” steel culvert and he approved the steel.  Steve Neill questioned if the Town wants to set standards for culverts and asked Keith Weed to talk to the Highway Advisory Committee.                                                                        

TAX DELINQUENT PROPERTY STATUS:  The Selectboard had a memo advising that several property owners did not fulfill their commitments to keep their agreements to get their taxes caught up within a short period of time.  Steve Neill and Jon LeClair signed the memo to re-institute the Tax Collector’s Deed process.  Deb Clark advised that they have to give them a new thirty-day notice.

AMBULANCE SERVICE:  Ken Place noted that in the past fifteen years he lived in this house near the intersection of the Old Stage and North Hemlock Roads there has been an average of one accident a year.  About three weeks ago there was an accident but a police cruiser was coming down from the four corners so immediately there was help, however, it took about 25 minutes for the ambulance to appear on the scene.  Fortunately no one was seriously hurt.  It concerns him that it takes so long to get the ambulance service there and why did it take someone from Springfield to respond about at 7:30 to 8:00 pm.  There was another call at Woodrise and after they finished there that ambulance came by.  He would hate to think that if he were having a heart attack he would have to wait 25 minutes for the ambulance.  He can drive downtown in six minutes.  Jon LeClair advised that it is a volunteer organization and there are ten paid volunteers on the ambulance service roster.  Last years average response time was thirteen minutes; that was based on a full time EMT.  Steve Neill explained the tone system and noted that there has to be a two person qualified crew to respond.  Since June 4th he knows of four unanswered calls where other services covered.  Deb Clark mentioned an incident involving her mother.  When the ambulance got there with three people they waited 20 minutes for the IV to get hooked-up.  They sat there for another 10 minutes when she asked what was going on.  At this point Deb Clark was advised that they couldn’t transport until the IV was put in her mother’s arm.  Why did they have to wait for others to come when there were already three people there?  Bob Davis said this past Friday afternoon there was a motorcycle accident on Main Street and LeFevre Ambulance picked-up the patient.  Dave Duquette hears the ambulance calls on his scanner and there was an incident in North Walpole the other day.  North Walpole responded right away and Charlestown was also toned.  Two Charlestown volunteers, who were drivers, responded to the scene without an ambulance, another person was at the ambulance barn waiting for a driver.  It took about 15 minutes for their ambulance to roll out of the barn.  In the meantime, North Walpole was transporting their patient on Route 12 near Lower Landing and Charlestown was just going south to North Walpole.  The Selectboard agreed that it was time to have some questions answered and asked David Edkins to contact Jerry Beaudry and try to set-up a meeting for Wednesday, July 14th at 7:00 pm.  Steve Neill encouraged everybody that has a concern to attend this meeting.

Water and Sewer Departments:  Dave Duquette reported that the water and sewer to the Transfer Station is operational as of today.  He would like the Selectboard to look at the two hydrants to see what direction they want them turned.  Bob Davis will talk to Gary Stoddard about this.  They are starting to put in meter pits; four will be on the Old Claremont Road and will work into Hidden Acres.  One more fire hydrant will be installed on West Street.  

He is working on the booster pump stations and tried to contact Rural Development on the two stations.  He would like to go ahead with the two stations that were budgeted on Stevens Street and North Charlestown, put purchase orders in and designs for the Selectboard to look at.  The local contractors received the information for the excavation work to submit bids.  The department will do the plumbing inside and he would like to use Herb Hurlburt to do the electrical work.  Propane heat rather than electric would be preferred.  The Selectboard would like to have the tanks in the ground, if possible.  These will work on pressure rather than flow.  The building will be similar to what the phone company’s use.  There are companies in that area that need the water including the Indian Shutters.  Dave Duquette will be installing a water meter on Indian Shutters as soon as possible and wants to hook them on now for the two months until the pump stations are in because they were shut down three days this year due to lack of water.  Jim’s Marina has been sold and the new owner wants to expand; the house across the street is anxious for water.  The Selectboard approved hooking on Indian Shutters now because of an emergency situation but to wait until August on the Jim’s Marina second hook-up as they have water.  There will be a $750 hook-up fee for each hook-up even though they are commercial.  An easement will be required on Cliff Stark’s property.  Dave Duquette will check with Cliff Stark for a choice of color; the other colors are to blend in with the neighborhoods.  The Selectboard gave their approval to proceed with this project.

Dave Duquette noted a past incident on Pine Street.  When the sewer was hooked to the foundation they were charged for the hook-up fee and they got billed the $45 minimum charge for the water.  The owner said they weren’t hooked up inside the house so wanted an abatement.  The Town’s policy is that once they are hooked-up to the foundation the fees begin.  Brian O’Brien has a similar situation.  The service is connected to the house.  Steve Neill felt that the property owner is officially connected; therefore, the Selectboard wants to stay consistent and will not abate the fees.

Highway Department: Keith Weed reported that they started crushing this morning.  Where they were taking the gravel out they ran into clay so moved back to the landing.  He doesn’t know how much gravel they will get out of that area.  The ramp at the Library / Town Offices has been taken out and the conduit area has been inspected.  During that removal Sandra Perron, Librarian, asked about removing some trees.  The loader is back from Nortrax.  Crack sealing is scheduled for the last week in July.  On South Hemlock the culverts are done except for one.  The department cleaned ditches and is getting the area ready for seed and mulch work.  Steve Neill noted that the ramp project went well.  Dave Edkins said someone took the flags off the trees on Main Street.  Keith Weed said that there were 16 trees on Main Street; there are 24 or 25 total in the downtown.  Keith Weed will mark the trees again including the trees by the Library.

Police Department:  Chief Smith said they are doing background checks for some potential police officers.  Some cross training is being done for officers and dispatchers to better utilize the staff.  

The food shelf moved their stuff out but they left some cardboard and garbage.  There was a consensus of the Selectboard to have Dave Edkins contact the food shelf to advise that the area is to be cleaned out before the end of the day Saturday otherwise the Town will send them a bill for the clean-up.  Keith Weed advised that the Ron LeClair would be starting to do the clean-up in the basement of the old Town Hall this Friday.  Deb Clark asked that all voting booths be saved.

Chief Smith said that the County, through Doug Roberts, would provide and supervise minimal offenders in the county correctional facility to the Towns for various community projects at no cost.  All that is required is about a two-week lead-time.  Dave Edkins will put out a memo to the Department Heads to see if they have any projects they want done.        

The bikes can now be auctioned off and the proceeds go back to the Bike Safety Program of the Town.  There are about 30 bikes.  Steve Neill asked the Chief to schedule the auction and to inform the person that inquired about giving the proceeds to the food shelf.

Chief Smith will be on vacation next week but will be reachable.

Dave Edkins talked with Chief Smith and Gary Stoddard about fireworks in the Town during July 4th festivities.  There is time to work on this issue before next year.    

Solid Waste Facility:  Bob Davis will be making his first run to Berlin on Monday morning.  He will be working Monday instead of Tuesday but everything will be covered.  Dave Edkins and Bob Davis went to Lebanon last week to inquire about the possibility of contracting with them for disposal.    The scale house is pretty well done.  They now have two hydrants for fire protection and have a place to wash things out.  The scales will be running on Tuesday.                               

There was no public comment at this meeting.

There were no Selectboard comments at this meeting.

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION - Payroll, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, Warrants, Abatements, Etc.:  The payroll was signed.

Purchase Orders:  The following Purchase Orders were approved by the Selectboard:  1) Highway -Owens Leasing - roadside mower rental $2,400.00; 2) Police -Unique Signs - lettering for the new cruiser $412.00; 3) Highway  -NiCom Coatings Corporation - Crack Seal $10,000; 4) Highway -Rivard and Son- power pruning $549.00; and 5) Metered Auto Supply - $622.85.  

Abatement:  The Selectboard approved an Abatement for an error in the assessment of an attached garage in the amount of $885.70.    

Liquor:  The Selectboard approved a License for Carol St. Pierre to serve alcoholic beverages in Patch Park on Sunday, July 18th, 2004.

Piano:  The Selectboard received a letter from the Connecticut River Christian Assembly regarding the piano in the Community Room.  Steve Neill advised that this piano belongs to the Grange so there is a need to find out what they want to do with it.    

Trees:  A letter was received from John Murray on Main Street regarding dead trees.  He has some trees that he feels the Town should take down on the north side of his house because of excessive salt use.  The Selectboard feels that this is not the Town’s obligation, as the trees are on private property.  It was noted that the pavement from the adjoining lot is close to those trees.   

Assessments:  There are two parties that filed appeals with the Board of Tax and Land Appeals for property assessment adjustments.  Recently the town’s contract assessors Beth Gallagher and Joe Lessard of Municipal Resources, Inc. checked the properties and conferred with the owners.   As a result it was determined that they were over-assessed two years ago for improvements and proposed settlements of the appeals were suggested.  Pat Royce has asked the Selectboard to make a decision on the proposed settlements as soon as possible since the appeals are scheduled for hearing this month.  There was a consensus of the Selectboard to agree with Municipal Resources, Inc. and make the recommended adjustments.

Steve Neill advised that the Selectboard had a request from the former owner of mobile home taken by Tax Collector’s Deed to waive the $2,305.80 statutory penalty that is included in the re-purchase price.  The Selectboard declined to do so on the grounds that the owner was in fact given ample notice of the impending Tax Deed and her failure to pick up the certified mail notice is her own fault.

Finance Committee:  Dave Edkins had an inquiry from the Finance Committee as to whether or not they could have a mid-year meeting.  It was suggested that a 30-minute session be scheduled for 6:30 pm before the next Selectboard meeting on Wednesday, July 21st.  

Public Hearing:  A Public Hearing has been scheduled for Wednesday, July 21st, at 7:00 pm on the Fling Road Bridge land acquisition.

Repairs and Maintenance:  The Librarian, Sandra Perron, submitted a list of priorities for building repairs and maintenance.  Steve Neill advised that the Selectboard would take this under advisement.

Western Region Development Corporation Meeting:  There will be a second public meeting for the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) on Thursday, July 15th from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the Claremont Savings Bank.  The Planning Board has also been invited to attend.  Dave Edkins will be unable to attend, therefore, it was suggested that if Brenda Ferland cannot attend, Steve Neill would try to go.

Dental Insurance:  A spreadsheet was received from Steve Varone about the dental insurance.  The claims out paid are higher than the premiums paid in.  Dave Edkins feels that the Town should expect to see an increase or rather than have a pre-established premium we could look into paying the actual claims.

Ramp:  One quote was received for a ramp to the back of the building.  The Selectboard felt that this should be an agenda item for the next meeting when a full board will be present.

Conservation Commission - Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair reported that the Conservation Commission had a meeting on June 21st.  Rich LeDrew came in about putting a dock at Patch Park.  The Conservation Commission voted to support the endeavor.  Trail map revisions were discussed.  They voted not to have any meetings in July and August.  

CEDA - Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland was not present to provide a report.

Planning Board - Steve Neill:  Steve Neill advised that the Planning Board met last night and approved a boundary adjustment on the River Road for Lisa Shaw and spent a lot of time on the Master Plan with the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Region Planning Commission.

Solid Waste Committee - Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair said there have not been any Solid Waste Committee meetings.

Heritage Commission - Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland was not present to provide a report.

Jon LeClair moved to adjourn this meeting.  Steve Neill seconded the motion and, on a roll call with all in favor, the motion carried.  The time was 9:44 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Regina Borden                           


Steven A. Neill, Chair                  Brenda L. Ferland                       Jon B. LeClair

(Note:  These are unapproved Minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the Minutes of the July 21st, 2004, Selectboard meeting.)